Automated Vulnerable Code Clone Detection in Open Source, and it’s Best Practice

Guest Speaker:
Seulbae Kim — Center for Software Security and Assurance, Korea University
Friday, November 17, 2017
EEB 248
ABSTRACT: Although the quantity of services and devices regarding the Internet of Things (IoT) is consistently increasing, not many people are aware that software vulnerabilities are also proliferating at an alarming rate along with the spread of IoT. In addition, for people
without security backgrounds, defending their devices against these vulnerabilities is also a huge challenge. IoTcube, an automated analysis platform for finding security vulnerabilities in the IoT devices, is developed to be a guidance system for any people with or without security expertise.
BIO: Seulbae Kim received the B.S. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University, Seoul Korea, in 2016. Currently, he is a M.S. candidate in Department of Computer and Radio Communications Engineering and work for CSSA, Korea University. His research interests include software security and vulnerability analysis.