Introduction to Center on Cyber-Physical Systems Innovation (CPSi) at NTUST, Taiwan

Guest Speakers:
Professors Chung-Hsien Kuo, Chao-Lung Yang, and Po Ting Lin
Thursday, December 12, 2019
RTH 526
The talk will begin with an introduction to the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST). After the introduction, scopes within the interdisciplinary talent cultivation, research interests and industrial collaboration will be elaborated. The major research interest groups of CSPi are cloud-based production management systems, intelligent internet of things, intelligent machinery and robots andartificial intelligence & image processing. Then there will be 3 sub-talks:
1: Intelligent robot talent cultivation in NTUST (Dr. Chung-Hsien Kuo)
In this talk, a number of interesting students’ robot projects will be presented, including RoboCup humanoid soccer robot, stir frying robot, dual-arm robotic manipulator, mobile robots and autonomouswheelchairs. The above-mentioned projects not only emphasize the importance of mechatronic hands-on skills, but also highlight the performance improvements according to the uses of advanced signal processing and intelligent control systems.
2: Manufacturing data analytics: applications and practices (Dr. Chao-Lung Yang)
Online monitoring and offline batch analyzing the data stream obtained from machines and sensors deployed on manufacturing site are the core technology of cyber-physical system (CPS). In order to analyze data stream collected continually, the data analysis framework consist of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), edge computing and cloud computing is needed. By integrating signal smoothing and anomaly pattern detection techniques, the significant unique patterns of data stream can be discovered and stored for further usage in CPS applications.
3: Manufacturing data analytics: applications and practices. (Dr. Po Ting Lin)
Dr. Po Ting Lin has built the Design Automation Laboratory (DAL) at NTUST. Based on the fundamental of design optimization, statistical analysis and machine learning, Dr. Lin has done several algorithm and software developments in the fields of image processing, mechatronics and robotics. This presentation gives an introduction to the research developments and achievements of DAL. Furthermore, some successful collaboration with Taiwan industrial companies will be presented.