CCI Virtual Mini-workshop on Digital technologies for COVID-19

Friday, April 3, 2020
Virtual Workshop
10:00 AM
The CCI mini-workshop on digital technologies for COVID-19 featured presentations from several USC researchers and faculty on how digital technologies such as mobile applications, internet of things, data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can play a role in understanding, monitoring and combatting COVID-19.
The event featured several researchers and groups at USC. This mini-workshop was organized online as a Zoom Meeting and was open to all USC students, staff and faculty. You can find the presentation slides here. The program was as follows:
Introductory remarks, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Director CCI [video]
Session 1: Data collection, Mobile Apps, IoT and Social Media Analytics
- Peter Kuhn, Dean’s Professor of Biological Sciences and Professor of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, and Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, USC [video]
- Cyrus Shahabi, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, USC [video]
- Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, USC [video]
- Emilio Ferrara, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Research Team Leader at USC ISI [video]
- Kristina Lerman, Research Associate Professor of Computer Science and Principal Scientist at USC ISI [video]
- Yan Liu, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Karishma Sharma, PhD student in Computer Science [video]
Session 2: Data collection, Mobile Apps, IoT and Social Media Analytics
- Viktor Prasanna, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science, and Ajitesh Srivastava, Senior Research Associate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering [video]
- Aram Galstyan, Research Associate Professor of Computer Science and Principal Scientist at USC ISI, and Fred Morstatter, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Computer Scientist at USC ISI [video]
- Pedro Szekely, Research Associate Professor of Computer Science and Principal Scientist at USC ISI [video]
- Jay Pujara, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Research Lead at USC ISI [video]
- Jonathan May, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Research Lead at USC ISI [video]
- Paul Bogdan, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Xiong Ye Xiao, PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering [video]