Internet of Things Platforms
CCI research into platforms and protocols spans every aspect of IoT systems, from the edge to the network to the cloud.

CCI researchers have been at the forefront of developing innovative systems for IoT networks, particularly low power wireless embedded edge networks, many evaluated on our Tutornet testbed. These include protocols and tools for:
- Routing and data collection (CTP, BCP, Spray & Wait, BWAR, HDCP)
- In-network compression (SenZip)
- Congestion control (IFRC, WRCP, WCP)
- Indoor localization (SBL)
- Scheduling for Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) systems such as IEEE 802.15.4e
- Network formation in multi-agent robot systems (RouteSwarm, LeONA)
Faculty involved: Ramesh Govindan, Konstantinos Psounis, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Antonio Ortega, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Nora Ayanian

We are developing an open-source IoT marketplace platform called I3, aimed at enabling inter-operability of heterogeneous devices and applications for smart cities through economic incentives and configurable data sharing.
Faculty involved: Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Jerry Power, Cyrus Shahabi, Craig Knoblock, Ali Abbas, Aleksandra Korolova

Blockchain for IoT

CCI researchers are exploring how trusted interaction between heterogeneous individuals and organizations can be enabled in IoT applications through both permission-less (public) and permissioned blockchain technologies. Further, they are exploring how blockchain-based tokens can be used for micro-transactions providing access to IoT data and for reserving edge computing resources. Finally, our researchers are also exploring the use of blockchain-based abstractions to enable trusted distributed middleware and application layer services. For more information on broader Blockchain activities at USC, please visit the CCI-hosted page:
Faculty involved: Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh

This new DARPA funded project led by CCI faculty member, Prof. Salman Avestimehr, is exploring how computing can be distributed seamlessly across edge and cloud servers using coding, decentralized scheduling and adaptive pricing techniques to maximize performance under dynamics and uncertainty.
The project is developing a novel distributed computing platform suitable for IoT systems.
Faculty involved: Salman Avestimehr, Murali Annavaram, Bhaskar Krishnamachari