Theoretical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems
CCI faculty bring diverse mathematical perspectives to bear on studying foundational problems in Cyber-Physical Systems. We have expertise in control theory, optimization, machine learning and AI, information and communication theory, signal processing, and game theory.
Optimization and Control

Our faculty are doing foundational research on many facets of optimization and control that are relevant to CPS and IoT systems:
- Distributed and hierarchical control
- Network Economics and Game Theory
- Stochastic control and Markov Decision Processes
- Distributionally robust optimization and control
- Fractal-based optimization and control
Faculty Involved: Mihailo Jovanovic, Ketan Savla, Rahul Jain, Insoon Yang, Paul Bogdan
Information and Communication Theory
Our team has expertise in
- Network coding applied to communication and distributed computation
- Ultra-wide band communication and localization
- Multi-user distributed MIMO communications
- Cognitive radio and white-spaces
Faculty Involved: Salman Avestimehr, Andreas Molisch, Konstantinos Psounis, Bhaskar Krishnamachari

Signal Processing
In this area, CCI faculty research has included pioneering works on
- Graph signal processing
- Nonconvex optimization methods for signal recovery
Faculty Involved: Antonio Ortega, Mahdi Soltanolkotabi

Design, Synthesis and Verification
In this area, CCI faculty research are working on
- formal methods, with emphasis on logic, verification, and automated reasoning
- Design methodogies for CPS systems using contracts, compositional methods, automated formal methods and optimization.
Faculty Involved: Chao Wang, Pierluigi Nuzzo